People say that a lady should never reveal her true age...I never fully understood this concept!! Yet I know a little significance of this as we go from the Teen age to our Twenties.....
How can you be absolutely sure that you are in your Tween Age??
1. You go from hot pink, crimson, lawn green, purple, yellow to greys, black, browns, blues....Oh..btw, i was talking about colors of clothes!!
2. Message bearing tees would become comfortable and designer patterns tops.
3. You would go from converse shoes and sandals to ballerinas, pumps, stilettos!
4. Mini skirts would transform to LBDs and low cut dresses.
5. Afternoon matinee shows would turn into late night shows.
7. Making an excuse for parties would turn into the knowledge of a stay over night out!
8. First kiss might be the expectations, and in tween we run from the word 'expect'....(if you know what I mean :P)
9. Ponytails become straighten hair with streaks and extentions.
10. Metal studded high waist denims turn to straight and low rise jeans!

12. Bagpacks will get converted to Hidesign, Baggit and Fancy branded bags.
13. "Oh my God he is soo cute" becomes "He is not my type" or "He is just not right for me at this stage of life".
14. Having a boyfriend was a necessity and in Tweens it becomes a Luxury.
15. Teen time you hit the puberty and Tween time it turns to liberty in tweens!!
16. Small Wonder and Hanaa Montana series gets converted to HIMYM and SITC.
17. Charles Dickens, Shidney Sheldon now becomes Arundhati Roy, Jeffrey Archer and Mario Puzo!!
18. Orkut changes to Facebook, Google + and Twitter
19. We are finally on officially officially.
20. Coffee shakes, milk shakes and choco milk becomes irish coffees, lattes and cappuccino.
21....and the list can go on and on......
I enjoyed my teen age, I loved that hormonal rush and doing all sort of random things and then regretting it over and over again! But now that I am in my twenties, I love this step little closer to adult hood. I love how and when I can be random but at the same time be sensible enough not to go beyond limits, and even though I do cross my lines, who cares, am a tween and I care a damn!!
Cheers to Tween age!! Thank God am not Thirty!!! :P